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Holly: December Bach Flower

Walnut Bach Flower

“Deck the halls with boughs of Holly,” let us remember the deeper healing message of Dr. Bach’s Holly flower essence, challenging all of us to extend our heart forces to embrace the wide circle of humanity and all sentient beings on Earth.

Intense emotions will cause the mind and body to be polluted by emotional toxicity that is self-generated, fueled by our own seething negativity. The heat of these emotions are experienced from the news, in sibling rivalry, peer pressure jealousies or when we are rejected in love. Your feelings may arise from issues in your past and may be projecting onto your current situation. The heart holds its wounds deeply when emotional pain is kept tightly within us or causes hostile words or behavior that are detrimental to our health and that of others. Holly will allow your pained heart to open to unconditional love, be healed and soothed so that you can express your generous heart. The peaceful, healing influence of the Holly Flower Essence can be one of the best gifts we give to ourselves and others this season.

If you want to feel more emotionally balanced during these tumultuous times, please schedule a Bach Flower consultation with Shirley. Click HERE for more information.


100% off a consultation to the first 5 people to respond

60% off a consultation to the next 5 people to respond

SPECIAL expires Winter Solstice 12-21-16

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